Most cancers kill by spreading to other organs. Breast cancer, for
instance, if it stayed at the original site, would cause a nasty ulcer, but
this would not cause death. Surgery could cure every case. The problem comes
when it seeds secondaries in places like the lungs or liver, co-opts the blood
supply and eventually prevents an essential organ from doing its job. Result -
another cancer death. Not surprising then that one branch of cancer research is
trying to find out how this process takes place. How do those marauding cells break away and travel to far-flung parts
of the body?
Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are a bit like tackling an
overgrown garden - you can slash the weeds down, burn them off or spray them
with weedkiller. Trouble is that you might also destroy attractive plants and
helpful creatures in the process. These combined methods have saved many lives,
including mine, but we all know that they are far from ideal and can cause a
fair bit of collateral damage to healthy tissues.
So research these days delves into the most detailed, molecular level. Until
you know the exact molecular interactions, you can't devise a treatment that
could halt the progress of cancer in a focussed way, with limited side effects.
A team in Germany has just made progress in this area. They have
discovered that some cancer cells use an immune system chemical to break
through artery walls and gain access to the body's high-speed transport system
- the blood.
There are many of these immune chemicals, known as chemokines or
cytokines. Together they form a complex communication system that allows our
millions of immune cells to communicate with the other cells in the body. When
the immune system sets up an area of inflammation, some of these chemicals act
on the walls of blood vessels, opening up gaps and allowing immune cells to
move out of the blood and attack bacteria in the surrounding tissues. Normally
blood vessels will allow simple molecules to pass through them, but not
relatively huge objects like cells. During inflammation however, some of the
body's largest cells can travel out of the blood system and into the tissues.
It seems that some cancer cells use this mechanism in reverse, using a
specific immune chemical, opening up holes in nearby blood vessels and creating
a route into the blood.
Painstaking research like this opens up the possibility of blocking the
action of such chemicals and so outwitting more and more cancers.
Wolf et al. Endothelial CCR2 Signaling Induced by
Colon Carcinoma Cells Enables Extravasation via the JAK2-Stat5 and p38MAPK
Pathway. Cancer
Cell, 2012; 22 (1):